Well, here is a short background of how Kris Bazar Shop formed. This is a little bit of personal insight of who I am and what turn of events got me to take a risk to do something on my own that I call it mine.  

So here it is broken down.  I had gotten separated from a 16yr marriage/21yr relationship and left to be a single mother and a single female who had to figure out things I never had to do before.  Things like how to survive, how to become independent, how to learn not to have a cushion to fall back on in need.  It was me who must change the ways of thinking and reacting.  I had some support from my family, but I can not rely on them forever.  The turn of events that led up to ending one chapter in life made me feel so out of character and disconnected from others and myself.  Something I never thought I would have to experience and now here I am.  With now this new chapter in life, I needed to change somethings and be stronger, believe in myself, rely more on my faith that God will guide me in the right direction and take care of me and my child. With all that has happened in the past it was all for a reason  and now it was time to move forward.  So in search to find myself and knowing how the economy was currently, I needed to find something new, something exciting, something that I could have control over.  I had to come to realize there are always situations we can’t control, and prefer to be in control.  Anxiety gets the best of us.  I knew I had to start over somewhere.  So I came across this testimony on the NET one day.  It was a story of a single mother that was facing the exact situation that I was currently going through.  I was able to resonate and connect with the same struggles she had gone through.  Her testimony led me to try to create a foundation to stand on.  I never had created or took the next step to actually try something new.  So here I am relying on faith, on my own strength, dedication, and positivity.  I am a loyal, strong-willed woman that has always kept the greatest intentions and strives for the best and the highest qualities in others and all that I do. So in all this I am excited, scared, intrigued, and anxious to be that strong Broad that I am.  This Mamma has GOT THIS!!!I hope I can be an inspiration to other young woman who face challenges like I did and believe they CAN DO IT too!